Медиажурналистика liberal arts

Кому подойдёт обучение в стиле Liberal Arts

Либеральное образование — один из трендов будущего образования, которые постепенно заменяют классические подходы профильных учебных программ. Но всё же, кому модель Либерал Артс подойдёт уже сегодня:

  1. Тем, кто ещё не определился со специальностью после 11 класса.
  2. Тем, кто не уверен, что ему подходит выбранная специальность.
  3. Тем, на кого давят родители и окружающие, не давая самостоятельно найти ответ на вопрос: «кем я хочу быть?»
  4. Тем, кто хочет изучить сразу несколько далёких друг от друга направлений.
  5. Тем, кто хочет учиться на определённой специальности, но набор ЕГЭ не позволяет поступать в профильный вуз.
  6. Тем, кто следит за мировыми тенденциями и хочет получить современное образование.
  7. Тем, кто любит менять сферы деятельности.

Обучение на факультетах свободных искусств и наук — это отличная возможность получить востребованное и современное образование. А если понадобится помощь в учёбе и написании различных видов работ, смело обращайтесь в наш студенческий сервис!

What Is a Liberal Arts College?

Liberal arts colleges are predominantly focused on undergraduate education. While they may have graduate programs, the emphasis is less on these degrees or research than at large universities. 

Rather than professionally-oriented majors and programs, the curricula tend to provide a broader grounding in the liberal arts. (We’ll go into greater detail on what that means below.) The schools are typically on the smaller side, too, in terms of both individual class sizes and graduating classes.

The Liberal Arts Curriculum

Liberal arts schools adhere to the idea that what you study doesn’t necessarily equate to what you do after graduation. Therefore, their intention is not to prepare students for direct entry into the job market. This is a contrast with research universities. Moreover, because these schools aren’t as research-focused, the faculty can be more student- and teaching-focused.

These institutions prepare students for their lives beyond the academic sphere. They learn how to think about complex issues critically, be global citizens and contributors to their communities, and more. They expect their graduates to receive and benefit from a well-rounded education, through studying areas like:

  • HumanitiesExamples: English, literature, and history
  • ArtsExamples: Music, drawing, and drama
  • SciencesExamples: Biology, chemistry, physics, and math
  • Social SciencesExamples: Economics and political science

List of the Best Liberal Arts Colleges

It can be tough to determine which are the best Liberal Arts Colleges, since they are all focused on providing excellent undergraduate programs in a wide range of subjects. But there are some important things to keep in mind as you consider your options.

First, if you are interested in a specific concentration, look for a Liberal Arts program that includes that as an option. See what the requirements are and whether it meets all of your needs.

Second, check out lists of the Top Liberal Arts Colleges (such as the one below). These rankings are typically based off of important data such as tuition fees, admission rates, graduation rates, class size and program diversity.

And finally, consider the subjective metrics as well. At the end of the day, you know yourself and what is important to you.  Here are some to consider:

  • Reputation
  • Sports teams
  • Religious affiliation
  • Percentage of students in fraternities/sororities
  • Proximity to hometown
  • Friends or relatives who attend / have attended
  • Extracurricular opportunities
  • Dining options
  • How you “feel” on campus

How heavily these things weigh will vary from student to student, but don’t let anyone tell you they don’t matter!

Top Nationally Ranked Liberal Arts Colleges

Liberal Arts College Rankings Location U.S. News Ranking – National Liberal Arts Colleges Tuition
Williams College Williamstown, MA 1 $55,450
Amherst College Amherst, MA 2 $56,426
Swarthmore College Swarthmore, PA 3 (tie) $52,588
Wellesley College Wellesley, MA 3 (tie) $53,732
Bowdoin College Brunswick, ME 5 (tie) $53,922
Carleton College Northfield, MN 5 (tie) $54,759
Middlebury College Middlebury, VT 5 (tie) $54,450
Pomona College Claremont, CA 5 (tie) $52,780
Claremont McKenna College Claremont, CA 9 $54,405
Davidson College Davidson, NC 10 $51,447
Grinnell College Grinnell, IA 11 (tie) $52,392
Haverford College Haverford, PA 11 (tie) $54,592
Smith College Northampton, MA 11 (tie) $52,404
Vassar College Poughkeepsie, NY 11 (tie) $56,960
Washington and Lee University Lexington, VA 11 (tie) $52,455
Colgate University Hamilton, NY 16 (tie) $55,870
Hamilton College Clinton, NY 16 (tie) $54,620
Colby College Waterville, ME 18 (tie) $55,210
Harvey Mudd College Claremont, CA 18 (tie) $56,876
United States Military Academy West Point, NY 18 (tie) N/A (out-of-state), N/A (in-state)
Wesleyan University Middletown, CT 18 (tie) $54,614
Bates College Lewiston, ME 22 (tie) $53,794
Soka University of America Aliso Viejo, CA 22 (tie) $33,146
United States Naval Academy Annapolis, MD 22 (tie) N/A (out-of-state), N/A (in-state)
Barnard College New York, NY 25 (tie) $55,032
University of Richmond Univ. of Richmond, VA 25 (tie) $52,610
Bryn Mawr College Bryn Mawr, PA 27 (tie) $52,360
Colorado College Colorado Springs, CO 27 (tie) $55,470
Macalester College St. Paul, MN 27 (tie) $54,348
Kenyon College Gambier, OH 30 (tie) $55,930
Mount Holyoke College South Hadley, MA 30 (tie) $49,998
Oberlin College Oberlin, OH 30 (tie) $55,052
Scripps College Claremont, CA 30 (tie) $55,024
United States Air Force Academy USAF Academy, CO 30 (tie) N/A (out-of-state), N/A (in-state)
College of the Holy Cross Worcester, MA 35 $52,770
Bucknell University Lewisburg, PA 36 (tie) $56,092
Franklin and Marshall College Lancaster, PA 36 (tie) $56,550
Lafayette College Easton, PA 36 (tie) $52,880
Occidental College Los Angeles, CA 39 (tie) $54,686
Union College Schenectady, NY 39 (tie) $55,290

Remember, as you scroll through websites and skim the “Top Liberal Arts Colleges” lists, it’s most important that you find the best Liberal Arts College for you.


В целом поступление на программы Liberal Arts проходит так же, как и в обычный бакалавриат: по результатам ЕГЭ или (и) внутренних экзаменов вуза, но есть особенность, которая облегчает жизнь абитуриентам. Либеральное образование предполагает свободу выбора не только учебных модулей и курсов, но и вступительных экзаменов. Такая гибкость объясняется тем, что на первом курсе всех направлений многопрофильного бакалавриата общая программа.

Формально абитуриент поступает на определенное направление. Но первый курс всегда отводится на то, чтобы студент определился с выбором специализации. Если он хочет ее изменить, для этого не будет никаких препятствий. В модели образования Liberal Arts можно подать документы на экономику, а выпуститься с дипломом музыканта или кинокритика.

Вступительные экзамены на факультеты и программы свободных искусств и наук


Вступительные экзамены в многопрофильный бакалавриат Liberal Arts and Science


Независимо от выбранного направления, поступить можно по любому из наборов ЕГЭ – русский язык обязательно + еще два предмета:

  1. Математика профиль + иностранный язык.
  2. Математика профиль + обществознание.
  3. Математика профиль + биология.
  4. Иностранный язык + обществознание.
  5. Иностранный язык + история.
  6. Литература + внутренний экзамен.

После первого курса можно сменить направление, на которое поступал абитуриент, ЕГЭ при этом никак не учитываются


На все направления ЕГЭ по русскому и иностранному языкам, истории


  1. Журналистика – литература, общество, русский.
  2. Социология – общество, математика, русский.
  3. Философия – общество, история, русский.
  4. Культурология, религиоведение – история, русский, общество


На каждое из 7 основных направлений свои вступительные экзамены, но после второго курса можно сменить направление и получить диплом по новому профилю, совершенно отличному от изначального. Русский язык везде обязателен.

  1. ИТ и цифровое общество (прикладная информатика) – математика + ЕГЭ по выбору: иностранный/физика/информатика/химия.
  2. Экономика – математика, иностранный.
  3. Кино и медиа (медиакоммуникации) – литература, иностранный.
  4. Социология – общество, иностранный.
  5. История – история, иностранный.
  6. Культурные исследования (искусства и гуманитарные науки) – история, иностранный.
  7. Науки о жизни (биология) – биология + ЕГЭ по выбору: информатика/математика/химия/иностранный/физика

Когда я должен определиться со своей специальностью?

Хотя у вас и есть возможность начать изучать определенную специальность в свой первый год, многие студенты откладывают принятие решения до второго курса, посвящая некоторое время тому, чтобы получше изучить свои предпочтения и узнать о своих способностях. Программа обучения, основанная на получении общих знаний, даст вам необходимую базу  для ваших последующих лет в АУБГ. После того, как вы попробуете различные области и определитесь с тем, что вы хотите изучать в дальнейшем, ваши шансы на успех увеличиваются многократно

Также важно помнить о том, что у вас будет возможность поменять свою специальность во время обучения

Liberal Arts Definition

Liberal arts are commonly misunderstood as “soft” subjects that lack supporting numbers or data. While the liberal arts definition does include humanities and soft sciences, it also encompasses physical sciences and mathematics. The key element in defining liberal arts is the intent to combine practical, concrete information, like data and statistics, with theoretical knowledge, like ethics and philosophy. This kind of learning produces well-rounded students with strong critical thinking and analytical skills, and the ability to adapt and work well in various fields of study.

Though the world’s greatest Greek and Roman thinkers—think Plato, Hippocrates, Aristotle—pioneered the liberal arts more than a millennium ago, contemporary universities include general education requirements that supplement subject-specific course because the purpose of the modern university is to provide a combination of practical and intellectual training.

Liberals arts can be found at a wide range of colleges and universities, though some institutions place a stronger emphasis on the discipline than others. Some institutions filter out the liberal arts completely, focusing instead on career-oriented skill acquisition. Below are the different types of institutions and how they relate to the liberal arts.

  • Public and Private Colleges feature a robust curriculum with a handful of general education requirements, including liberal arts and interdisciplinary subjects. For example, business majors may be required to complete courses on ethics, history, or language, which are intended to influence the way they understand their career-oriented courses.
  • For-Profit Colleges are privately owned institutions that facilitate career-specific training, usually in culinary arts, healthcare, and business. The focus is entirely on practical training, so liberal arts are not included in the curriculum.
  • Community Colleges offer two-year programs that lead to an associate’s degree. They are frequently used as stepping stones toward a bachelor’s degree, so students will complete their general education (and liberal arts) studies before going on to a larger university.
  • Vocational/Technical/Trade Colleges are institutions that give students career-specific training in one field, and they do not include liberals arts within the curriculum, similar to for-profit institutions.

Liberal Arts Colleges, as the name suggests, are institutions that focus heavily on providing a strong liberal arts education to all students in all fields. Usually, these are private, four-year colleges that tend to be more expensive than other institutions. Common courses include history, language, mathematics, science, and philosophy.

Дипломы бакалавриата «Свободные искусства и науки»

Необычная программа предполагает и нетривиальный диплом после ее окончания. Это не значит, что с документами об образовании по модели Liberal Arts не все в порядке. Скорее, наоборот: все в двойном или даже тройном порядке.

  • РАНХиГС – выпускники многопрофильного бакалавриата получают дипломы Президентской академии государственного образца. В зависимости от программы они могут дополняться сертификатами об изучении факультативного профиля или дипломами вузов-партнеров (двойные или даже тройные дипломы – на программах британского трека).
  • СПбГУ – независимо от предметной области для всех выпускников двойные дипломы: Санкт-Петербургского университета (квалификация «бакалавр») и Bard College (международная квалификация Bachelor of Arts).
  • САФУ – государственный диплом бакалавра с указанием дополнительного профиля.
  • ТюмГУ – бакалаврский диплом государственного образца по одному из семи профилей, выбранных в конце второго года учебы.

Дипломы факультета или программ Liberal Arts подтверждают подготовку широко эрудированных специалистов, готовых выполнять самый широкий круг профессиональных задач. 


  • University of Groningen (Гронинген, Нидерланды)
  • University of Navarra (Наварра, Испания)
  • University of Bologna (Болонья, Италия)
  • The Hague University of Applied Science (Гаага, Нидерланды)
  • Shanghai International Studies University (Шанхай, Китай)
  • Ariel University (Израиль)
  • George Mason University (Вашингтон, США)
  • University of Manchester (Манчестер, Великобритания)
  • University of British Columbia SALA (Ванкувер, Канада)
  • Huazhong University of Science and Technology (Ухань, Китай)
  • Bath Spa University (Бат, Великобритания),
  • Parma University (Парма, Италия)
  • Communication University of China (Китай, Пекин)
  • Universidad Finis Terrae (Чили)
  • Рижская Международная высшая школа экономики и делового администрирования (Рига, Латвия)
  • National University of Public Service (Будапешт, Венгрия)
  • University of Rijeka (Риека, Хорватия)
  • Shenyang Normal University (Шэньян, Китай)

What Does Liberal Arts Mean?

Liberal arts is a broad term that can be used to encompass everything from theater arts to economics. Some popular majors include:

  • English
  • Communications
  • History
  • Psychology
  • Mathematics

As a discipline, these subjects are intended to give you general knowledge and the ability to think critically and learn any subject – as opposed to specific skills needed for a technical profession. Instead, liberal arts sharpen your research, writing and critical thinking skills to prepare you for a broad range of careers.

As to what you can do with a degree in liberal arts, the benefits go far beyond the specific subject knowledge from a particular degree. When it’s time to enter the job market, liberal arts majors have a huge array of possibilities available to them, including many in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) and business.

Liberal Arts и современность

Современное высшее образование всё больше обращается к концепции Liberal Arts. Человечество сталкивается с серьёзной проблемой: технологии изменяют не только наш мир, но и профессии. Какие-то специальности умирают, искусственный интеллект автоматизирует и заменяет человека, появляются новые профессиональные области — колледжи и университеты просто не знают, каких специалистов готовить.

Учитывая вызовы современного мира, теперь важно передать студентам не глубокие технические навыки, а инструменты, которые позволят им критично и нестандартно мыслить, самостоятельно обучаться и взаимодействовать с другими. С этой задачей отлично справляется модель либерального искусства

Искусственный интеллект в ближайшие годы изменит множество профессий. Только в 2019 году Сбербанк, как сообщают информагентства, сократил 12 400 человек, заменив персонал на программы ИИ.

Что я получу от Liberal arts?

“Liberal” значит свободный. “Liberal Arts” освобождает сознание и дает навыки для прогресса в жизни. В первый год у вас будет возможность попробовать разнообразные дисциплины для того, чтобы получше узнать о своих интересах и возможностях, а также получить базовые навыки общения, рассуждения, проведения исследований и принятия решений.

“Liberal Arts” поможет вам развить глубокие аналитические
способности, a также, научит вас легко адаптироваться и быть гибким в постоянно меняющемся мировом рынке труда. Вдобавок, вы приобретете различные знания и ценности, которые сделают вас внимательным, всесторонне развитым человеком, заряженным креативной энергией. Такой тип образования научит вас активно изменять свое окружение, принося свой вклад в развитие общества и делая его лучше.

Образование в стиле “Liberal Arts” обладает потенциалом преобразовывать жизни и закладывать основы для социальной справедливости.

3. Итак, это только для студентов с художественными специальностями?

Нет. Хотя название и содержит слово “arts”, что переводится с английского языка как искусство, “Liberal Arts” дает вам возможность получать степень Бакалавра Искусств по таким специальностям, как Компьютерные Науки, Экономика, Бизнес Администрирование, Информационные Системы и многим другим. Тут вы можете ознакомиться с  полным списком профильных и непрофильных специальностей, которые мы предлагаем.

Extracurricular Opportunities at LACs

Interest Groups

Because LACs are smaller and have fewer resources than large research universities, you’ll likely find fewer student organizations and clubs, and the ones that do exist are more oriented toward on-campus life and building community than career societies. Instead, there may well be club sports and other clubs that celebrate shared passions and interests.


Elite athletic programs aren’t a feature of many LACs. Most play in the NCAA Division III. However, that doesn’t mean athletics aren’t a large part of the culture. Smaller student bodies with Division III teams and club teams mean a greater percentage of the student population tend to participate. For some schools, particularly those in the NESCAC, there are large alumni networks revolving around the sports culture.

Outdoor Opportunities

Since many liberal arts colleges are located in rural areas, it’s no surprise that there’s a great deal of interest in environmentalism, sustainability, and outdoor activities. For example, there’s an abundance of mountain clubs that organize activities like hiking, backpacking trips, ski trips, and so on.

Of the eight schools in the U.S. that have achieved campus carbon neutrality, four are members of the NESCAC: Middlebury College, Bowdoin College, Bates College, and Colby College. Two of the remaining carbon neutral schools, Colgate University and Colorado College, are also liberal arts colleges. 

Study Abroad

Study abroad is enormously popular at many schools, especially liberal arts colleges. In fact, a majority of students at LACs study abroad as undergraduates. For example, at Pitzer College, 78% of students in the Class of 2014 studied abroad, compared with about 10% nationally. Goucher College has even made study abroad mandatory for undergraduates, while other schools have done so for certain degrees and tracks.

Структура программы

Экономика выбранного региона

  • Общее представление об экономических моделях, деловом климате, трудовой миграции, особенностях развития промышленности и сельского хозяйства, банковском секторе, финансовых рынках, производственно-сбытовых цепочках, степени экономической интегрированности стран как внутри самого региона, так и в международную экономическую модель, налоговые модели и т.д.
  • Основы финансового анализа, в ходе которых студенты научатся ориентироваться в ситуации на мировых и региональных финансовых рынках, получат навыки составления аналитических текстов по экономической проблематике, вырабатывать обоснованные прогнозы динамики колебаний курсов национальных валют, биржевых индексов и т.д

Политика выбранного регионаКультура выбранного региона

What kinds of jobs do liberal arts majors get?

Because the liberal arts cover such a broad spectrum of subjects there’s no one set career path.

“Our majors find themselves attracted to a wide range of professional careers such as public service military service medicine national security or law,” says Kerchner.

If you’re worried about competing against those with more “practical” or narrowly defined degrees such as business or engineering don’t be. “Liberal arts majors are as competitive as any other student entering the job market,” assures Williams.

Peter Osgood director of admission at Harvey Mudd College (CA) says that one reason for this is that liberal arts disciplines require the student to think about write about and to understand a broad range of topics from many perspectives. “They have to come to some generalizations and realizations about the material they are studying rather than simply learning how to do a specific task,” says Osgood. “Since technology moves society along at a faster and faster pace the more ‘practical’ education is more likely to become obsolete sooner. Liberal arts disciplines better prepare the student for change.”

As Osgood explains 40 years ago few could not have anticipated a world in which the Internet existed or that one could use a portable device to call a friend text or tweet (terms that did not exist). “The only place to watch a movie was in a cinema not a cell phone,” he says. “Now that my own children are in high school they can’t imagine what innovations will occur by the time they hit the middle of life. Rather than having my children focus their learning on something transitory like how to use certain kinds of computer languages or communications strategies that may become obsolete I am convinced that they will have longer more productive careers by understanding people and adapting the technical skills to that knowledge.”

“Liberal arts graduates regularly obtain positions in a multitude of settings many of which do not seem — at first glance — to be connected to their majors,” explains Maria J. de la Camara, dean of Benedictine University’s College of Liberal Arts. “A number of well known CEOs majored in liberal arts fields and became leaders of major corporations.”

Best Liberal Arts Colleges

The element that determines a liberal arts education is not necessarily the major, but rather the institution.
 Tom Merton / Getty Images 

Liberal arts colleges tend to be small, private institutions with low teacher-to-student ratios, and especially in the United States, much higher price tags than other four-year colleges and universities. However, they rarely teach single-minded expertise on one subject and often feature robust general education requirements. This higher education model provides students with a well-rounded education and a strong moral compass. Successful liberal arts institutions should produce students well-trained in soft and hard sciences, mathematics, and humanities, making the price worthwhile.

According to data from , the Wall Street Journal/Times Higher Education, and US News and World Report, the following schools are consistently ranked as the best liberal arts colleges in the United States: 

  • Williams College (Berkshires, Massachusetts): Williams College requires students to take three courses in three different fields of study: arts and humanities, social sciences, and science and mathematics. There are no required courses, but all students must demonstrate strong skills in writing, reasoning, and mathematics before earning a degree. Williams is one of the highest producers of both Fulbright and Rhodes Scholars.
  • Amherst College (Amherst, Massachusetts): Amherst College features an open course plan, which allows students to choose the courses they are most interested in. Amherst has no required core curriculum. Students can choose between 40 majors, or they can design their own major.
  • Swarthmore College (Swarthmore, Pennsylvania): Swarthmore is based on a Quaker tradition, emphasizing strong relationships between teachers, students, peers, and the environment. At 8:1, the student-to-teacher ratio is low, and Swarthmore is one of the top producers of Fulbright Scholars in the U.S. Swarthmore offers an engineering degree, unlike most liberal arts colleges.

Pomona College (Claremont, California): Just an hour away from Los Angeles, Claremont College offers 48 different majors and over 600 courses, with a low 8:1 student-to-teacher ratio. Claremont offers admission to all students regardless of their ability to pay tuition and offers complete financial aid to meet the demonstrated need of every admitted student.

Bowdoin College (Brunswick, Maine): Bowdoin College focuses on need-blind admissions, diversity, and social responsibility while fostering independent thought. More than half of Bowdoin students complete additional honors and summer coursework, and a majority of students produce robust independent research before graduating.

Wellesley College (Wellesley, Massachusetts): Widely considered to be the top women’s college in the country, Wellesley College features a strong list of alumni, including former Secretaries of State Madeleine Albright and Hillary Rodham Clinton. More than 70 percent of all students participate in internships during their studies and more than half study abroad.

Bates College (Lewiston, Maine): Bates College requires first-year freshman to take an orientation course together during the first semester to develop a strong foundation of scholarship and community. The low student-to-teacher ratio emphasizes this foundation, as does the strong sense of community outreach and annual volunteer efforts. In 2017, the college was ranked number one for Fulbright recipients.

Davidson College (Davidson, North Carolina): Located just north of Charlotte, Davidson College has produced 23 Rhodes Scholars and 86 Fulbright Scholars. More than 80 percent of the student body study or work abroad during their tenure and just under 25 percent of students also participate in athletics.

Wesleyan University (Middletown, Connecticut): Wesleyan provides students with the option of open curriculum, where they determine the courses they are most interested in taking, as well as pre-planned majors with emphasis on interdisciplinary studies, in true liberal arts fashion. The university also offers need-blind admission and features a low 8:1 student-to-teacher ratio.

Smith College (Northhampton, Massachusetts): As an all women’s college, Smith stands out by consistently ranking among the best liberal arts colleges in the U.S. It offers nearly 1.000 courses in 50 different fields of study and sends half of its student to study abroad annually. It is ranked every year as one of the highest producers of Fulbright Scholars.


Государственные учреждения:

  • Центральная избирательная комиссия РФ
  • Росфинмониторинг
  • Минвостокразвития
  • Государственная Дума РФ
  • Московская городская Дума
  • Аналитический центр при Правительстве РФ


  • РИА Новости (МИА «Россия сегодня»)
  • Газета.Ру

Научно-исследовательские центры: 

  • Центр законотворческих инициатив ИОН РАНХиГС 
  • Центр современных коммуникаций ВШГУ РАНХиГС при Президенте РФ
  • Центр современных политических исследований РАНХиГС при Президенте РФ
  • Российский совет по международным делам (РСМД)
  • Институт США и Канады РАН


  • ГК «Росатом»
  • ПАУ ЦФО — Ассоциация «Саморегулируемая организация арбитражных управляющих Центрального федерального округа»
  • Фонд «История Отечества» (Российское историческое общество)

Campus Life at Liberal Arts Colleges

In contrast with large research universities in cities, where many students participate in activities and socialize off campus, LACs typically offer a self-contained campus experience. Part of this is because they are often in suburban or rural areas. They also tend to be residential, with all or nearly all students living on campus, fostering community.

Many LACs don’t have Greek life; they are more focused on emphasizing overall community extending through the entire campus. For some, this and the fact that there is usually a small student body could make the community feel tight-knit; others may feel constricted and find it cliquey.

The “Prototypical” LAC Student

Like at most colleges and universities, there is no one type of student who attends a liberal arts college. However, generally speaking, most LAC students are less focused on immediate professional outcomes like immediately becoming an engineer or financial manager. Instead, many plan to go to graduate school or teach.

While students will further develop theoretical and abstract skills while attending college, many already have a solid foundation for them going in. They are also passionate about their major or concentration, not just as preparation for their career but also as an intellectual pursuit. Even if they’re not studying a humanities discipline, they should have strong writing abilities since writing is typically a core part of LAC curricula.

In terms of beliefs, many LAC students tend to be politically progressive — although you may well find a spectrum of views, depending on the college.

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